Our Vision

Michael Stone Art

How are you today? 

I’d say, the same as you...sexy as always!

What have you done so far, what are your plans after the interview?
Hmm well, so far I’ve done mostly online work this morning. Posting a few teasers I made last night in regards to my 100 day challenge. That, and planning the first piece. All while smoking and watching “Veep”. I suppose after this I’ll be heading to the art store again. Of course I would forget that I needed ONE more item to begin!

Where are you from originally, do you still live there?

Originally I’m from a small town in Southern Maryland. I grew up in the same house until I was old enough to venture out on my own. Since then I’ve lived in many different places. Each very different from the last. As diverse as, living in a monastery in New England. Discerning a vocation to the “Order of St. Benedict”. To living and fighting alongside the Euphrates river in Iraq. Now I live in Las Vegas with my two best friends! I say that with such excitement because they’re pretty bad ass. Like, they’re the bestest...better than the “restest”. 

What are you most passionate about?

Making pretty things for my friends. I really love creating. I often feel constricted by the lack of funds I have. There’s a “plethora” of projects I have planned and exactly zero doll hairs(dollars) to put towards a single one. So, I suppose my new passion is making enough money to finally get these damn ideas off the ground!

Do you have animals?

Does a Grey Wizard count? I actually have a grey cat named,“Lady Gandalf Grey”. “Lady” for short. She was a gift from my best friend this past Christmas. And just like my friend’s eyebrows, my cat’s whiskers are on point!

Now for the juicy parts…

What attracted you to the art world?

I’ve always loved art. My mother was always very talented and even went to college for art. She ended up pursuing other work to support the two of us, but always encouraged my art. I remember her sitting me down at a very young age and teaching me perspective in drawing. She would set up a milk jug or something and have me sketch it out using charcoal. The goal, of course, was to teach me how to see the lines and shapes and reproduce them on paper. It was all I wanted to do most of the time. If I wasn’t playing with legos or dressing up in costumes, I was drawing and observing the world around me. So it just made sense that I would end up doing it for a living.

How did you get into the adult industry? How did you go about doing so? 

Well, that all started as most things do...as an inside joke. Awhile back I was tattooing a client when she began asking me questions about my art and the inspiration behind it. “What’s it like to really be inspired?”, she asked. I responded with my mind completely in the gutter and said. ”It’s pretty much like having a boner for art. Once you get it you need to work with it, otherwise it will fade away. But much like boners, inspiration will always come back around.”. Continuing to joke around I later used the term “Art-on” to describe it. Long after, I began to illustrate what one might look like. The first one I used a private picture of my “you know what”, as the base to draw on. Using old school photoshop (by that I mean colored pencils over a printed image) I began drawing the first Art-on. It was meant to just be colorful and expressive but ended up just looking like a rainbow penis. For that, and many other reasons, it remains one of my personal favorites. Later came other themes and ideas. Freddy and Jason, David Bowie, Superheroes of all types and of course my personal favorite, Star Wars. Eventually I had most holidays covered and enough characters to start a book! So the idea came to develope a name for everything and try to sell it as a novelty item. Books, calendars, pins, you name it! Once I finally have enough created and my chapters organized I’ll release what will hopefully be “Vol. 1” of “The Photogenic Member: by Hampton Von Wienerschmidt”. A little alias for the sake of privacy and above all, humor. All of the photos are based off of the original and using myself as the subject. I’m always drawing nude women so it seemed only fair that my privates should be exposed for the sake of art as well. I don’t consider myself “talent” in the Adult Industry, just an Artist with both a dirty and an open mind for “dick art”. I’m still eager to incorporate other versions though. One idea that I’ve already started on is the strap on version. So in the end there will even be more variety and ideas to expand on. Thus far, there’s social media pages set up to promote it and much more to come...no pun intended.

Tell us about your role in the industry and your goals within it. 

I suppose I’m just getting my “dick” in the door with the Adult side of things. However, outside of my personal art-ons, I’ve been close to quite a few people in the business. I feel that my role up until now has been learning and hearing stories, being supportive of my friends and offering ideas or feedback. I still have that “noob” quality in my own adult work, but I guess you could say my current role is simply evolving and developing my brand. Learning how to create sharper and more vibrant images for my products. Designing my social media layouts and simply getting the ball(s) rolling on this project. My end goal would be to have a decent following for one, and a variety of merchandise, themes, and even events to showcase the art of the art-on. I’d like to see this become something other than a bad pun and an inside joke. As long as I achieve that, I believe I will have exceeded my expectations for for this whole dirty idea.

Have you had any setbacks? Do you have any advice for us in how to avoid these issues, or what you’ve learned from them?

Even with my own personal battles aside, I’d still say my biggest setback has been myself. Focusing on the wrong things at the wrong times. Lack of planning and scheduling. Another setback would be not setting reasonable goals for myself. It’s easy to want the world, but we can only handle so much in our lives at one time. Set challenges for yourself to help refine your talents and keep achievable goals for the short term in order to reach a greater goal in the future. There’s so many things that can get in the way of even the short term goals. But building yourself up with small accomplishments helps you in the long run, regardless of any setbacks. Simply put…”Give ‘em Hell!” ~John Wayne

How long have you been a tattoo artist? And what is your style of preference?

Let’s see (begins to count on his fingers…) I’ve been tattooing for a little over 8 years now. I started soon after I was discharged from the Army. At first it was just an outlet for my art. Not long after that I met my father for the first time and found out tattooing was in my blood. He had been tattooing for over 30 years when we met. He took me under his wing, and it eventually led me to living here in Vegas. I’d say that, since living here I’ve been more into realism as far as style. My work typically mirrors the way I draw and paint. I’m able to adapt to a broad range but my default will always be realism.

You mentioned earlier that you have started a 100 day challenge, what will you be doing in those 100 days?

Stressing the fuck out! Oh, and also doing one small piece of art a day for 100 days. Each week will be a new theme. That theme can be done in any medium. That said, I’ll be trying a lot of mediums that I’m not currently comfortable with. When the challenge is over I should have a collection of work along with a bit more improvement and experience in my weak areas. Once I get into it I may start another one to help promote the art-on. Eventually I’ll be starting a blog and doing videos and tutorials on all my projects. 

What is your guilty pleasure right now? Tv show, movie, song… something you dance around to like nobody's looking.

Lately it’s been a week of Star Trek movies. However, today I’ve made the transition to Bond films. I often get on a nostalgia kick when I’m working. I’m better able to focus on my work if I’m not distracted by a new movie or show I’ve never seen. At other times I’ve been playing Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield 1 when I’ve been in a gaming mood. I may or may not dance around to “The Sound of Music” soundtrack...in my underwear...on the daily.

If you could change one thing about the industry(adult or art)…what would it be?

Both need more boobs and fewer asshats. 

If you would like to add anything or promote anything…now is your time to go wild!

I’d just like to say one thing before those reading this go back to looking at lady bits. To the BNM Crew and it’s two gorgeous and amazing creators, thank you for this opportunity! You asked the questions, and I just went on stroking my own ego. I’m honored and truly privileged to be a part of this. I wish you both only the very best in this, and all your endeavors. I look forward to seeing you both grow and prosper in everything you do. And also I’ll leave my social media info at the end, in case anyone cares to follow my progress along the way!

For all things related to my art and tattoos…

If you like silly dick art…@ArtOnBook, and @thephotogenicmember 

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Miss Olivia Black


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